What is NetNZ

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What is NetNZ?

NetNZ is a not for profit organisation that specialises in enabling high quality, online education across schools and communities. We have over 30 years experience educating learners online and can trace our origins back to the original elearning cluster in Aoteaora New Zealand. We are essentially a community schools who work together to provide online learning opportunities for their  students based on the New Zealand Curriculum.


Our Vision

NetNZ creates a seamless, coherent and accessible educational environment that can support and sustain local communities. NetNZ ensures belonging is a key aspect of both community and individual growth.

Our Mission

To develop an environment for sustained innovation and development of quality, online learning experiences, for anyone, anytime , anywhere across New Zealand and beyond

Our Values


Building relationships, developing connections with others, and working together. This creates a sense of belonging and community, and enables reciprocity.


Showing respect, generosity and care for others. The development of a people centred environment.


Recognition of the reciprocal relationship between learner and teacher. Tuakana or teina, all contribute to the learning process.


Showing respect, generosity and care for others. The development of a people centred environment.