Educational Focus: Develop a connected learning experience across all programmes

This is a key educational driver for the board, executive and staff.

We want to develop a ‘flavour’ of online learning that is ‘connected’ and reflects the type of experience that will prepare learners for the world they live in. To enable this we want to develop a charter that clearly defines what ‘connected learning’ represents in practical terms, a learning and teaching framework that will help guide teachers in their development, and foster knowledge building approaches amongst teachers who have shown they are ready.

The ‘connected’ theme continues through curriculum development where we need to maintain a balance between ensuring we provide a relevant, connected curriculum and meeting varied needs across our membership. The Executive wants to ensure there is significant flexibility within programmes so students are able to have their specific needs met. This may mean some students only study for a half year or term, depending on what they want. We also want to explore where we can integrate curriculum currently – we envisage this occurring within small projects. The first of these is to continue to develop an Asian language and culture pathway that draws students into language learning. The second is to develop a contextualised, project based approach across our Digital Technologies pathway that reflects the needs of the industry.

Within the educational context we also want to further develop systems, processes and practice that focus on the development of the learner – especially online. In particular we want to explore the development of an online environment that will support learner development. We do not envisage current SMS’s will meet this need. Once again, we feel NetNZ can lead the way in the area of online learner support and development – there is nothing that currently does what we want. 

By NetNZ

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