For those who love to write
This is a course for students who love to write, want to develop as a writer and pick up some NCEA credits as part of their writing journey. In the end this is all about stories. How we create them. Why? Exploration of narrative technique is an important aspect. Narrative in any form, whether novels or film.
Your work could become part of a L2 or 3 writing folio, or a whole folio if you complete both semesters
Full year or
Semester one or Semester two
Subject Area(s):
English, Media Studies, Creative Writing
This is a senior semester based or full year course available to year 12 and 13.
91101: Produce a selection of crafted and controlled writing – 6 credits – internal
91103: Create a crafted and controlled visual and verbal text – 3 credits – internal
91475: Produce a selection of fluent and coherent writing which develops, sustains, and structures ideas – 6 credits- internal
91478: Create a fluent and coherent visual text which develops, sustains and structures ideas using verbal and visual language – 3 credits – internal
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