What is it all about?
Why do schools participate in a networked environment? What do they get out of it? What are the…
NetNZ Benefits for Students
Twizel Area School principal, Kate Staniford shares what she sees as the key benefits of NetNZ for…
Senior Creative Writing
So, you think you can write?…
The Role of the Teacher in Community Building
In a community-based learning environment the role of the teacher is very much of a facilitator….
A Learning Community
“ I liked how we did inquiries and discussions rather than writing essay assessments. The…
The Role of Social Presence in Community Building
Building ‘Social Presence’ is the activity that an individual can engage in that will define how…
Building Community
Nipper (1989) suggests that the need for social connection is a goal that almost supersedes the…
The Importance of Community
“We know the rules of community; we know the healing effect of community in terms of individual…
Senior Philosophy
This course runs for a term and overviews the key aspects of Philosophy. It is a good starting point…